Friday, September 19, 2014

Monsoon and Mocktoberfest

Monsoon season is upon us here in Ireland after over a month of beautiful sunshine. The locals said it would happen, but I continued hoping for the "uncharacteristically nice" weather to continue. The rain - really today is the first day like this - makes the whole day feel dark and dreary. It is impossible to know what time it is (as there is no sun and the sky is very gray). I was shopping in Cork City Centre and, even though it was 2pm, it looked like it was about 7pm this afternoon.

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, I have been rather busy and appear to have contracted a small cold. 

The only exciting event that I have been to was the Oktoberfest (perhaps more appropriately the Mocktoberfest) party that is thrown in Cork City every year. I was very very distracted for the first hour and a half, not realizing that my cold medicine was a drowsy formula, and had taken some a bit before we left. After the haze lifted from my eyes, I had a fun time! Basically it was a lot of people drinking liters of Paulaner (fill in the blank) beer and dancing to blaring American dance music from the 1980s. Not very cultural, not very German, but a perfect respite for 20-somethings looking for an activity. 
Naturally they give you a German name... so of course I got Ludwig!

After Oktoberfest, the roomies and I returned back to the apartment as we had class today at 11am.

And readers, this was no ordinary class, this was my step-dancing class, that I am in love with! I am not a particularly coordinated mover in any way. However, for whatever reason I have taken to step dancing quite successfully! I don't want to say I am a natural - that would be hyperbolic - but I am not unnatural, I suppose. My new mission is to get a pair of step dancing shoes so I look like a real pro! 

Look for more blogs to come!

The Opinionated Lassie

1 comment:

  1. FYI Paulaner is one of the most famous beers brewed in Munich, so it is a legit Oktoberfest beer (even Costco sells it this time of year).
